
It had been a super busy day, as most days after a three day weekend are, and it was only 2/3 over. I left my car full of groceries in the parking lot as a I ran into get my son from preschool. I had...

The alarm went off at 4:15am. The gym class started at 5. Yah. It’s early. But let’s be honest, when else am I gonna have time to work out? It has to happen before I go to work or it isn’t gonna happen at all....

As a teacher who is a mom, I pride myself on knowing everything that is going on in my classroom. I tell my students I have "mom eyes and ears" and that I can see everything and hear everything. When I taught Freshman about 10...

Caite handed Brandon a letter to give to me back on February 2nd. He brought it in to our room for me to read and the letter starts out "Dear Santa." I rolled my eyes, folded it up, and put it aside. For real??? We...

This year, 4 of my 5 kids are playing a spring sport. This is the first year with this phenomenon to occur. The first year of LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of years of all the kids playing sports. Which means, this is the first...

So, I embarrassed my daughter for the first time. Like, really embarrassed her as only a mom can. We went to see the Christmas lights as a family. We do it every year. We have a nice dinner, then everyone gets on their jammies. I make...

The kids alternate having crazy days. Which is nice - I usually don't have more than one nut-so freak out happening at a time. You would think that most of the crazy town behavior issues would come from my 2 1/2 year old, who really...

What is your hashtag for life? I mean, if you had to assign a hashtag that summed up your life in one short run together phrase, what would it be? Mine is #itsfine. I really truly say that at least 20 times a day....

"I don't know how you do it all. You have it all under control. " There isn't a day that goes by that another mom doesn't say these words to me. They see me with my 5 kids, my full time teaching job, my...